Alexandre O. Philippe has directed many films about films. His specialty is to take something we know well (the shower scene in Psycho, the fights between fans of Star Wars and George Lucas) and make us see things in a new way. In his latest film Lynch/Oz, he creates a documentary that digs deep into how The Wizard of Oz influenced the films of David Lynch.

I was able to interview Philippe at the Dallas Lynch Retrospective moments after seeing the film for the first time. Now, after much thought, and settling down a bit, I invited him to be my guest on It’s Our Time with Scott Ryan. We discuss how he came up with the idea of just using film clips, why Lynch fans should see this in the theater over at home, and a bit about his favorite Lynch film, Lost Highway. You can head out Janus Films to get the schedule of where the film will play and you can watch my interview right here.
Order Scott Ryan’s Lost Highway book here.
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