Screenwriter Joseph Dougherty (thirtysomething, Pretty Little Liars) has written a new book about writing. They say write what you know, and Joe has over 30 years of experience on writing television and movies. He joins host Scott Ryan to talk about Joe’s new book: A Screenwriter’s Companion that will take readers and future writers through the steps, the heartbreaks and the successes of being a writing. With how to exercisers and stories from his work on thirtysomething and Pretty Little Liars, this book has everything a writer needs to start his journey. You can ordered a signed copy by Joe, by clicking here. (You can also pick up thirtysomething at thirty where Joe wrote the Afterword.)
Click play to listen to the interview or head out to iTunes and download.
Order a signed copy of Joe’s new book, A Screenwriter’s Companion by clicking here

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