Listen (or watch) the latest Red Room Podcast when Scott Ryan interviews musician Eleri Ward about her latest CD, A Perfect Little Death, which contains all songs written by Stephen Sondheim. She plays them on guitar and has reworked the tracks in a very interesting way. If you listen to the podcast, you will get samples of the tracks we discuss, if you watch the Youtube video you will see us laugh and smile. It is up to you. Please consider supporting Eleri at her website. Press Play below to listen or head out to iTunes and download.
Listen to more Sondheim podcasts. Matt Zoller Seitz and Scott Ryan talk about Sondheim’s passing.
Scott Ryan interviews author Alexandra Jacobs about her Elaine Stritch Biography.
Scott Ryan interviews Cyrille Amiee about her Sondheim Jazz CD.
Order Scott Ryan’s latest book: Moonlighting: An Oral History