Scott Ryan hosts two Q&A’s at the Mahoning Drive-in’s David Lynch Weekend. The event sold out so you might have missed the panel. Don’t worry, we have the audio from both panels right here on Episode 190 of The Red Room Podcast. Scott interview Charlotte Stewart the first night about Eraserhead and Twin Peaks. Night 2, Scott interviews Dana Ashbrook (Bobby Briggs), Harry Goaz (Deputy Andy), Charlotte Stewart (Mary X, Betty Briggs) and a special guest.
Thanks to Faye Murman for planning the event (It was the most professional event Scott has ever attended). Please support The Blue Rose Magazine buy picking up a book or magazine or pre-order Scott’s 2022 book Fire Walk With Me: Your Laura Disappeared. All the support helps. Also, be sure to email The Blue Rose Magazine and get on our mailing list. Then you won’t miss the next event like this.
Press Play below to listen or head out to iTunes and download.
More Twin Peaks interviews: Mark Frost, Sheryl Lee, Alicia Witt
Preorder : Fire Walk With Me: Your Laura Disappeared (2022)

Or buy Scott’s newest book Moonlighting which is out now.